Saturday 11 February 2012

Eat me.

SO I kept my word. Not actually..but kind of.

I stalked up on salad ingredients and I am in the process of consuming a fairly serious little number. I literally threw everything in; spinach, lettuce, chick peas, dried cranberries, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, blueberries, green peas, mushrooms, avocados, bocconcini cheese, barely, drizzled with aged balsamic vinegar and olive oil. 
NOW, here is my confession. In celebration of another pregnancy in the family, I made cookies last night. I now have two cousins expecting, only 4 months apart, and I had to do something! It's a perfect opportunity to bake! I couldn't even go all out and make anything cute because..wait for ruins everything. Who would have thought!? Everyone. So we all had to settle for chocolate chip sprinkled cookies. Sad, I know. But, I guess it's okay since I'm not supposed to be baking to begin with. 

IT'S okay, you just wait for the baby showers.
OH, I have another confession (unfortunetly) I made adorable baby shower invites during class. I'm slightly ashamed. But, amazingly enough..I don't give a shit :)

BACK to the books peoples, it's accounting time (wooh!). Lots of love!

Wednesday 8 February 2012


I have a midterm at 3, so naturally I ended up on my blog...
I'm not staying, don't worry.

I just wanted to announce that I have been ordered to stop baking!!! At least until May. My brother is training for a Marathon and has informed me that my baking will throw him off from his "healthy" eating routine and training (blah blah blah). Since I am a nice person (I have a few people who will confirm that statement) I have agreed help a brotha out (no pun intended) and resist the urge to bake . SO sad.

BUT, on the bright healthy side, I have been indulging in fancy salads from the Eatons Centre Food Court. These babies are loaded with couscous, chick peas, corn, beets, cranberries, and such. So, instead of baking, we will now be devouring salad (yay?). At least our waistlines will thank us.

Whatever. I have no choice. May as well act excited about it. 

Ok, I'm off to write (hopefully smash) my Business Law exam. Tooda-loo lovelies!!