Monday 9 April 2012

Work In Progress!

I have a new project on my hands...smack down in the midst of exam time. I honestly feel like I do this to myself not to fall into depression during burry yourself in boring textbooks time. I have offered to plan my cousins Baby Shower and it is looking pretty god damn cute! I went to pick up some supplies and things I need to make for this event come to life. HOWEVER, as of today I am now putting myself on a time-out ( or a lock-down, sounds more badass). The deal is I can only continue planning once I write my last exam on the 27th. Honestly, I hate prioritizing!! Please find me one single person who enjoys being responsible. They are probably as common as children that hate candy. So, if I had to take a guesstimate I would put that number anywhere between 0 and NO ONE.

I have set up a little station in my basement where I can work on everything I need for this shower and I have this very strong feeling that I will end up down there some nights. Don't worry, I will make sure to bring my study notes down with me so that they don't feel neglected.  My new little station is so cute and cozy and clean (for now)...kind of makes me feel like an elf.

We are still working on securing the location. It will most likely be a party room in a condo. Since I am on a tight budget, I'll be doing a lot of the decorations myself which I actually love doing. I have watched a disgusting amount of youtube videos, spent countless hours on Pinterest and read so many blogs that I feel like I can master this thing no.problem.

The menu is still in the making but will consist mostly of light appetizers and yummy desserts! I will attempt to make lollipop cakes for the first time which I'm really excited about. However, the last time I made a dessert that required me to dip it into melted chocolate I managed to have the chocolate explode ALL over the kitchen. Mom loved that. This time, I'll be a little more careful. Whatever, it's part of the process. What's a kitchen if not messy?  

Ps. I haven't been baking because of Passover. The next time I will bake will probably be for the Baby Shower so stay tuned. Should be some cute stuff (given I don't blow up the kitchen).

Don't forget to check out Pinterest for cute ideas!

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Ciao for now.

Friday 6 April 2012

In The Blink Of An Eye

...that is how fast things change.
Actually, that is how fast things change when you least expect them to. Thankfully, everything is changing for the best at the time being!

This past Wednesday, I arrived back home (via bus) from my favourite city. Ok, fine...second favourite city. There is just something special about New York. I realize that sounds like an incredibly cheesy line from an awful romantic movie but it's true! There are people who hate the noise, the constant flow of people, the line-ups, the mess, and so on. Granted, all of those things are indeed a staple of New York city but that is exactly why it's so amazing. It's unique and it has character. Something that cannot be said about many things in this world. Anyways, moving on...

The reason why my mother and I decided to hop on a bus and take the ten hour trip down to Brooklyn is because we had a few things to celebrate. Plus, the timing could not have been any better. I had just handed in a major event proposal for my event management class and was dreaming of a little getaway. 

As for the celebrations...

First of all, my auntie got a job offering at a hospital in Manhattan as a psychiatrist set to commence the day her med school residency. Secondly, my younger cousin (who was literally on the brink of becoming his mother's very own psychiatric patient) finally received his college acceptance letters to schools including but not limited to Harvard, Princeton, Brown, Dartmouth and Williams. I think everyone is still a little shocked (including the little brainiac himself) but indescribably proud! Lastly, it was my grandma's 72nd birthday. Needless to say, it was definitely an amazing trip. We'll leave out the part where I got the sniffles because someone likes to keep the apartment temperature slightly below that of a fridge. 

(My photography skills are improving, if I can say so myself. And when I say photography skills, I mean my ability to snap photos that don't look like utter garbage)

Ok, I'm leaving you guys with a quote I found by our dear friend Buddha. 
The problem is, we think we have time.

I swear to god, this quote should be the sole sentence members of a procrastinators help group should chant. But there can never be such a group because they'd probably put it off until tomorrow! Get it? Because that's what procrastinators do..they put things...oh forget it.

Happy Passover and Happy Easter Everyone!!