Thursday 1 December 2011

Studying stands for...

Student + dying? 
Just kidding.
(not really)

No cake. No muffins. No cupcakes. No fun.
(How's that for melodramatic?)

I'm taking a temporary break and I'm not happy about it. 
Aside from all that is important in life (aka anything that is sweet or savoury) there is this little thing called school and it's taking over my life at the moment.
But I will be back very soon so that we can finally make some crunchy peppermint bark! 

PS. I made an amazing carrot cake (I'll post later) with traces of pineapple topped with a buttermilk glaze and I'll be honest...I ate half of it. So maybe this break is a blessing in disguise for my waistline. Just maybe...

PSS. You guys need to check out Food Network's Iron Chef: Super Chefs Mondays @ 10:00pm. It's completely insane!

Happy latkes and eggnog everyone!

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