Thursday 19 January 2012

Good Morning!

I've been MIA and if we're being honest, I don't even have a legitimate reason. 
I haven't been cooking, or doing anything of any excitement recently so this post will be one of those posts where I just vent about everything. Let's get started, shall we?

After returning from Punta Canada, I got sick. Sick from facing the fact that I am now forced to wear boots and jackets as opposed to bathing suits and flip flops. But also in the literal sense as in I had a fever. During this lovely time of feeling like shit, I watched a total of 5 movies. FIVE. Wedding Crashers, Goldmember, Devil Wears Prada, Sex and the City and one more...damn it, I forget. Anyways, that's not important. What is important, however; is that I stayed in my room the whole weekend NOT to pass on my nasty germs onto the rest of the family and what ended up happening? EVERYONE in my family is now sick. I take no responsibility. 

I am now back to school which is....great (not). Not only did I miss an entire week due to the wedding vacation BUT I also came home to a half completed schedule. Therefore, instead of being enrolled in 4 courses for the semester like a normal student, I was only enrolled in 2. Welcome anxiety. The first class I attended was my Business Statistics class which, I immediately dropped while physically sitting in the lecture. The professor was an EXACT copy of the little gay Asian mafiosi from The Hangover but with a much heavier accent. I mean that in the least offensive way possible. I couldn't even get mad at him because he was so cute but completely unbearable...especially for a class like Statistics (snooooze). Whatever, one thing led to another and VOILA! I am not a full-time student, minus the anxiety and stress and special profs. 

OH! I forgot to mention that one of my best friends is leaving me for Australia for six months on Tuesday. How fabulous?! Stupid, stupid, stupid Kangaroos.

What else, what else...I have a few complaints about these idiotic human beings that surround me on a daily basis but that'll spiral into a fairly long post and I have a Event Management class starting in 5 minutes so that will not be happening (today). 

So in conclusion...I want to be back on the beach with zero worries...but I am not. I am in class.

Ciao for now.

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