Tuesday 1 May 2012

Sweet Freedom

No pun intended.
Exams are officially over!
You know what's funny? When I need to be busy studying I always find other things I want to be doing. No. NEED to be doing. God forbid I don't do these things, I will literally not survive. For example, becoming little Ms.Baker, reading up on all of the world events (like really, how am I supposed to sleep not knowing what Africa is up to?), watching an entire season of a new show in one night... 

Anyways, the point is now that I am finito, all I want to do is NADA :) 

Earlier this week, we had a delicious BBQ. Don't be fooled, it wasn't nearly as nice outside as it looks in these photos. It was literally no more than 10 degrees celsius but that doesn't stop anyone in my family from devouring incredibly juicy lamb chops. I took my camera out to snap some photos in the backyard and I must say, I was pleasantly surprised at how pretty all of the fruit trees were. The fruit trees are probably one of the best aspects of summer at home. Lying down out on the patio couch swing with a book, snacking on fresh sour cherries. 

A couple of days ago, I woke up wanting to bake. Four hours later I wanted someone to point a gun to my head. I'll explain. I somehow managed to pick a recipe that consisted of 3 different parts and I was not expecting it what.so.ever. For some reason, I saw the recipe for Black Forest Cupcakes and thought Hey! That sounds like a piece of cake! Let me quickly throw those babies together. NO. There was no "throwing together" and you definitely cannot describe anything I did that day as "quickly". They literally took me 4 hours. I mean they were delicious, no doubt. For variety, I also made a batch with Nutella and strawberries (The original have cognac, sour cherries, and pastry cream). Will these be making an another appearance in the near future, absolllutttleeeyyy not.

Here's a little story to prove how yummy they were. As they were cooling outside on the deck, I caught a squirrel trying to snatch one! Of course my initial reaction was to scream like a maniac causing the squirrel to drop the top half and take a dash for its' life. I quickly brought in the entire untouched batch and left that one little cupcake for the little thief. Within a few seconds, the bugger was back! It was actually pretty cute. I mean, the squirrel ate the whole thing so I think it's safe to say it's probably dead right about now. But at least it died happy. Right? That's what I tell myself.

Anyways, I'm off to my little elf room to work out the logistics for the baby shower.

Chat soon! 

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