Friday 11 January 2013

Better late than never, right? RIGHT!

This blog may exude an annoyingly apologetic tone peppered with excuses, buuuut that is only because my all-of-3 fans have devoted themselves to make me feel like a complete slacker (and rightfully so)My last blog post was ....wait for it...9 months ago! I won't lie to you, I haven't been extremely overwhelmed with work, school, or anything else for that matter. BUT, I do think that since I stopped baking and coming up with foodie concoctions during the past semester, I have had nothing interesting or worthy to blog about. For those of you wondering why I stopped baking/ can take a quick glance at my previous semesters and you will wonder no more.

Recently, I had my cousin over from New York (yes, you are being mentioned). We were sitting at the table along with the rest of my family members when he says to my sister "Did you read Raisa's last blog!? Wasn't it just so funny?" Ha.Ha. A natural comedian, you might say. Now I am sitting in my Brand Management class and instead of focusing on this incredibly rich and interesting powerpoint presentation on "What is a Brand", I am blogging sir...all for you! But not actually, don't feel special.

There is absolutely no way, and I mean NO way, I can catch you up on everything that has happened over the last nine months, but then again I am in a 3 hour lecture... sooooo I'm going to give it a go.

I left off with Polina's Baby Shower which, if I can say so myself, was quite a success. Now we have 6- month-old baby Mia! I don't want to be biased or whatever, but she is literally the cutest little girl... EVER. Since then, we also have had another munchkin in the family from another cousin of mine. As I am sure most of you are familiar with (either because you know me or I have probably mentioned it in previous posts) I am insanely obsessed with kids. No, not kids actually. Babies. LOVE babies. Kids, on the other hand, can be annoying.

Baby Mia!

In other news, I have made my way to Mexico, Israel, New York, and Cuba.  I don't even know how all of that happened to be honest, but it did and it was amazing. Mexico was an amazing time spent with family from New York, including my Bubbie, who has never been to an all-inclusive resort. Thinking is would be exciting for her, she grew bored of it in roughly.5 seconds upon arrival. Success. But in all seriousness, it really was an amazing trip. Israel was way to short. Two weeks to explore the beautiful country in its entirety is literally impossible. New York was just lovely as always. I got to watch two broadway shows; The Book of Mormon and Old Jews Telling Jokes. The Book of Mormon was really funny but half of the time you are sitting there thinking What the F**k is happening right now? Old Jews Telling Jokes literally drove me to tears. I think I was the youngest member of the audience by 20 years, but it was by far one of the funniest shows I have ever seen, hands down. Cuba was the most recent trip with my girls. We were there over the break and like all good Jews we dressed up for Christmas and had some very yummy lobster.  Travels continue when I make my first stop in Boston this February to visit the aforementioned cousin at Harvard university. That's right, he's not just funny (arguably), but he is also a little genius.

Hiking up Masada, Israel

Covered in mud at the Dead Sea
Varadero, Cuba. Unbelievable water!

Beautiful view of Mexico
This is my sister.

Okay, I'm not even going to lie but I am having a huge brain fart as to what else I did over this extended period of hiatus. I have participated in Frosh Week (again) as a leader and almost collapsed by the end. I can now say with certainty that I am boycotting Frosh events for the rest of my life. Enough is enough. I attended an amazing Road Hockey Tournament hosted by the Princess Marget Cancer Research Hospital which helped raise $2.4 million dollars for cancer research. Also, I attended an Intergenerational Chanukah party where I got to meet absolutely incredible people including Holocaust Survivors (That's a story for another day).

Road Hockey To Conquer Cancer: Team Passion Capitalists!

 Intergenerational Chanukah Party

Okay, that's it. I'm done. Prof is ending the class early, wooh! I'll be back. (If you said that in Schwarzenegger's voice, 10 points for you)

Talk soon! 

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