Monday 22 July 2013

Jet setting like a pro...or something like it.

Oh god - I have literally forgotten how to blog.

I ask you to please bare with me as I shamelessly pick myself up (once again) and try to make a comeback to my neglected blog.

I have a good explanation! I promise.

If the title of this blog were to ever make sense, it would be right now. Everything has truly been upside down and sideways, but in a good way... if you can imagine that. I would reference the last blog I wrote, but I feel like that would be equivalent to grabbing a shovel and just digging away at my own grave. So we're just going to slowly walk away and never (ever) look back.

What's new, you may ask? OR, of course, you may not... but I shall still tell you.

Aside from wrapping up my forth year of university and getting a job like a 21 year-old ought to, I have had the opportunity to hit up a few nice places this summer. You know, the usual hot spots like Monte Carlo, Milan, Barcelona, and Naples...just to name a few. Oh! There was also Israel. How did this all happen? I couldn't tell ya. Just when I felt like I'd end up working all summer, BAM! I turned into a little Globehopper.

Disclaimer: Globehopper is not a real word. It didn't even come up in Urban Dictionary...and we all know that is by far the lowest level you can stoop down to in the English dictionary.
Disclaimer Pt. Deux: If I capitalize the first letter, it looks legit and I am just going with it. Sue me.


Instead of boring you with tons of information and good ol' facts about the places I've visited, I have made the executive decision to just throw a whole bunch of photos on this baby and call it a day. When it comes down to it, we're all "visual" people anyway, or is that just what they call lazy/stupid students?

Let's start with the Holy Land. Aside from all of the political bullshit that seems to stick to that region like flies stick to shit, it truly is a beautiful and indescribably fascinating place. The people, the scenery, and the food! Oh, the food... I would literally pay money to have UPS just ship me off a fresh shawarma (extra hummus, please). I spent the majority of my time in Jerusalem, but also got to visit Sderot, the Dead Sea, Tel-Aviv, and the Golan Heights. I can go back year after year.

Took this baby out of the road. It was only 40 degrees celsius. Totally healthy to be riding all day.

 I think this place is pretty important, I just forget why... Oh riiiiiight! It's only the Western Wall.

 Tel-Aviv at sundown. Ps. Tel-Aviv is crazy (with a capital K)

 Late day stroll through the Carmel Shuk in Tel-Aviv. You have to get yelled at by at least one Israeli, otherwise it's just not the same.

We ran out of ATVs for these fellas. They had to walk.

After a mere 10 day "pit stop" in Toronto, I was right back on another plane. This time, we found ourselves in Barcelona, the capital of the craziest architecture and street vendors I have ever seen. Actually, I take that back. The street vendors were far worse in Rome (and the architecture wasn't too shabby there either!) It was the beginning of a whole new adventure. Jeez, how cliche was that sentence? Whole new adventure... can't say I'm proud of that one. But, then again, it is 2:30a.m. and I am starting to toss all creativity and proper grammer out the window.

If you would like to read about our trip, my awesome cousin has taken it upon himself to write all about in Harvard Independent. Cruising Through Europe

I, on the other hand, have no patience to do so.

I bid you fair well and a good night! Until next time.

 Duomo di Milano. It's kind of a big deal.

 Cruise ship safety is no laughing matter! (Plus, it looks like a peace sign. Can you say artsy?!)

 Just hangin' in Nice.

 Yeah...this Gaudi guy thought this one up. It's pretty serious.

In Napoli beside the sea It happened on a night like this In Napoli our hearts were free.
Couldn't have said it better, Mr. Dean Martin. Couldn't have said it better.

oh Yeah! This exists.

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