Friday 21 October 2011

One does evil enough when one does nothing good.

Warning: I'm about to vent.

Today, I was heading to school via the subway with my sister and a friend as this girl right in front of us droped her papers. I thought it was quite strange because she didn't seem to notice. When I looked up, I realized that she was ghostly white, with her eyes wide open, shaking back and forth and totally unresponsive. My sister quickly offered her seat in the likely case that at any given second she was going to faint. Within 5 long and scary minutes, she was finally able to mumble something. As it turned out, she was  getting off at the next stop. As she was slowly returning back to her normal state, she seemed quite embarrassed which I can understand. 

ANYWAYS, here is my issue(s). 
As this was happening, most people froze. Although I do understand that people are cautious/afraid to take action in such scenarios, but how can you just stand there and turn a blind eye? While a man was helping her get seated I tried to shout to the people standing near an emergency button to quickly pull it to notify the TTC operator. Did they? NO. My sister ended up walking to the back of the train to pull it herself. That's the first problem I have with these completely self-absorbed, inconsiderate individuals that live amongst us. The other thing that irked me was how the man who was helping her sit down kept saying; "ok, well this is your stop so you can just get off here". When I tell you this girl was unresponsive, I mean she could not stand, nor could she talk. I'm sorry, but I highly doubt that the BEST thing we could have done was kick her off at her stop and let her fend for herself. I was glad to see that the train operator came out at the stop and made sure the girl was stable enough to be left alone.

I do understand everyone is rushing to get to work or school, but have we lost all sense of decency and kindness? Has everything become about me, me, and me?

Next time you see someone who needs help, I ask you to take a moment to imagine if said person was your friend, a family member, or a loved one. Would you have left them then? I don't think so. 

If you turn a blind eye to the people in need all around you, do not expect anything to be different when that person is you.

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