Sunday 20 November 2011

Welcoming Winter...

With a Farewell to Fall.

Fall is such a stunning season. I'll admit it does get a little too windy for my liking but on the days when the sun is out and the air is crisp and clean, I have nothing to complain about. As everyone is aware I tend to have the Food Network on throughout the day and I got inspired to cook something seasonal this weekend. So since I have  paper on Human Resource Management due tomorrow and couldn't possibly tear myself away from my lack of work, I sent my brother to the supermarket to pick up a Squash... for my Butternut Squash soup (I'm sure no one saw that one coming!).  I got the recipe off the Food Network website and it proved to be all 5 of the little red stars that I was promised. With a hint of nutmeg and a dollop of butter, it was so perfectly sweet and rich. I just sprinkled a little bit of fresh herbs on top and all three of us (brother, sister and I) devoured a bowl as soon as it was ready. Check out the recipe below!

I also had some brussel sprouts that I spontaneously bought at the supermarket roughly a week ago with absolutely no idea how I was going to prepare them. So away they sat in my fridge getting pushed further back day by day. So, naturally, as soon as I get a bunch of work thrown at me the first thing I do is go straight to the fridge to waste time cook something. For this reason, we had yummy brussel sprouts glazed with pomegranate balsamic vinegar that was reduced with a touch of honey. So delicious! 

It's safe to say that today was a successful culinary day! I'm so happy with this comforting Fall-like soup. Only if every risk I take in the kitchen was this successful! 
One day...(maybe)

Enjoy the last days of fall!

Butternut Squash Soup Recipe:

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Sloppy Chocolate Cookie Sundaes

.Sugar Overdose Wednesdays. 
I have been swamped with work this past week. Fine, I won't lie. I was swamped with the overwhelming feeling of guilt I get when I avoid my homework (but, I do it successfully and that's all that matters). As a result, I have been unable to decide on a new desert for this Wednesday. For those of you who do not know, every Wednesday is Modern Family night so I have some people come over to watch the show. The idea is to bake something delicious and preferably new every week. 

This week, as I was browsing through FoodGawker, I realized that if I wanted to do something fancy I woud have to go grocery shopping which I never made time for which led me to come up with a creative spin on the chocolate cookies everyone loves. Technically, you can I say that I cheated (my own system). BUT, there's no need to get technical because it's still dessert and it's still delicious. So I think I'm in the clear. Plus, don't blame me, blame the art of procrastination.

Cookie Recipe:


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 cup unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 egg
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips


  1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Grease cookie sheets or line with parchment paper.
  2. Sift together the flour, baking soda and salt; set aside.
  3. In a medium bowl, cream together the melted butter, brown sugar and white sugar until well blended. Beat in the vanilla, egg, and egg yolk until light and creamy. Mix in the sifted ingredients until just blended. Stir in the chocolate chips by hand using a wooden spoon. Drop cookie dough 1/4 cup at a time onto the prepared cookie sheets. Cookies should be about 3 inches apart.
  4. Bake for 15 to 17 minutes in the preheated oven, or until the edges are lightly toasted. Cool on baking sheets for a few minutes before transferring to wire racks to cool completely.

Monday 7 November 2011


This past weekend I attended a birthday dinner at Grano Restorante, an Italian restaurant, located midtown Toronto. The second I walked in I knew this was my kind of place. The decor was incredible. Every last detail was thought out. There were vintage-style art pieces throughout and beautiful oil paintings that graced the bare walls. Even the wooden dinner tables, made to look rustic, were painted by a local artist who owns an art shop a few blocks down the street. Little accents here and there gave the place a sense of old-school Europe (in a modern kind of way). Needless to say, I was very happy to be there.  

The paintings that covered the walls of the three-room restaurant were all mostly done by the Owner Chef. Unfortunately, she doesn't have a website that I can share with you. Shame.

Anyways, I snapped a few photos to show you how rich in art and culture this restaurant really was. It is no wonder they are celebrating their 25th anniversary.

Antipasto: Italia Mia e Tera Nuovo
From Italy & Ontario: Italian prosciutto, pingue salumi, bufala mozzarella, giardiniera

Secondo: Involtini Di Pollo
Scaloppine of chicken breast with mozzarella, wrapped with sage & pancetta, peperonata.
I think it's safe to say that my Jewish ancestors are rolling in their graves, but it was so succulent and delicious!

Dolci: Tiramisu (Heavenly!) 
House made genoise, espresso, liqueurs, mascarpone & shaved chocolate

2035 Yonge Street

Saturday 5 November 2011


Aside from putting up my little fake tree today, my sister and I took a trip down to William Ashley today and I purchased a bunch of things for baking. I cleaned out one of my mom's cupboards and transformed it into my own baking station. Sorry ma, I'm not giving it back.


You Sneaking Mom!

These kids are hilarious! 

Basically, Jimmy Kimmel asked parents to tell their kids they ate all of their Halloween Candy while they were asleep and video tape their reaction. The outcome is priceless! Many kids reacted with piercing screams, tears and tantrums These two boys, on the other hand,  handled it with maturity and logic.

Check out the video below if you want to see the reactions of some other very displeased kids.

Friday 4 November 2011

Feeling Good

I haven't had the chance to blog for a little while. Instinctually I want to blame it on school, but the sad truth is that my life has been lacking newsworthy events. At the moment I am situated in my favourite spot at the Starbucks (shocker!) which is located on the top floor of the downtown Indigo Bookstore (double shocker!!)

Winter is quickly approaching and I can literally count on my fingers the reasons that make this season bearable for me. Ready?

Finger Number One: Starbucks Holiday Lovin'. Most of you are fully aware of my blown-out infatuation with this place. But it gets even better! (or worse, depending on your stance on the subject in which case your opinion is irrelevant). The red cups have made their comeback! As well as the worth-getting-fat-for specialty drinks. Two words; Peppermint Mocha. Love to spend time at any Starbucks, it really uplifts my mood. I just want to point out that my homework gets done around here...that's magical. And if you are lucky enough to not have to study, or you are just good at pretending so, you can grab a hot drink, a book, or play some Frank Sinatra and you're golden.

Finger Number Two: Chanukah Bush Goes up! Okay, technically it's a fake Christmas tree that I purchased on sale from Canadian Tire last year a couple days before Christmas but, it has lights on it! You just twist on three "tree trunks", plug in the lights and Ta-da! You've got Holiday happiness. I bought little silver and blue star of davids to turn it into a Chanukah bush. So to sum it up, I put up a nice big mess of a fake tree in my living room and call it a day. I'll be putting it up in the next few days, so I'll be sure to post a picture. 

Finger Number Three: One year older, one year wiser. I will be turning the big 2-0 this year on December 6th. As a child, I used to start my birthday countdown about 50 days prior. This year, however, I have an exam on December the 5th AND December the 6th! Yes, to answer your question, I do want to kill myself. So, needless to say I willNOT be counting down the days. Counting down to my birthday will essentially be the same thing as counting down to my exams and the last time I checked I was not insane, thankyouverymuch. To make things worse, my parents as well as my sister will be out of the city. That leaves me with my brother, my dog, some sort of baked good, and my exam! Party!

Finger Number Four: Island in the Sun, City in the Snow! This year our vacation promises to be about a 100 times more special than any other before it because... drum roll is my cousins destination wedding! The whole familia will be flying down to the beautiful Caribbean for some sun, food, sun, food, sun and food. I mean what can possibly go wrong when you put 20+ loud Russians on an island with and unlimited supply of alcohol to celebrate a wedding? I can only imagine. Since this trip will be taking place in the new year, I have decided to spend 2 weeks in one of my favourite  cities right up until the 31st. The holiday season is a vision in New York City. Everything is covered with plush white snow, or dirty slush, and lights, lights, and more lights! Plus, I get to spend time with my favourite auntie, grandparents and cousins. Just the thought of it makes me happy.

FOUR FINGERS GUYS! Didn't even make it to five.
Let's hope these reasons will outweigh the brutality of a Canadian winter. I've got my Uggs, my Goose, some mittens and a nice fur hat. 
In the words of Drake; I'm ready for ya.

PS. I must bake tonight since I did no do so on Wednesday but I still haven't decided on what! Possibly cookie dough pretzel lollipops dipped in white chocolate? We'll see.